
“Food is the first yoga”, T. Krishnamacharya, the grandfather or modern yoga said. We agree and our virtual retreats have a focus on nutrition. They have 3 days worth of recipes, complied by our Health Coach, Caroline Marie and offer practices that cultivate nutrition like intermittent fasting, minimizing sugar in your diet and mindfully enjoying your meals.


Yoga is our or movement of choice here at Tribal Tulum and we have a large library of (ever growing) videos to help you with just that. But we hope to inspire other forms of movement as well, be it a walk in your neighborhood, gardening or a swim.


Often, our fast paced, competitive world doesn’t value “rest”. But our bodies regenerate and heal when we sleep well. Our retreats focus on rest as an important pillar simply because it IS. Our classes, retreats and all our practices teach you practices that enhance and help you value sleep more and help you sleep better.


Meditation is the goal of yoga. The physical asana practice prepares us for it. At Tribal, we teach you to start and show you the way to continue. From guided mediations to silent, one minute to 30, we can help you reap the benefits that meditation, stillness and mindfulness bring.

It can help ease chronic pain, anxiety, stress, improve heart health, boost mood and immunity, and resolve pregnancy problems. Any condition that's caused or worsened by stress can be alleviated through meditation.