The benefits of twisting postures in yoga include: systemic detox, cultivating normal spinal rotation, decreasing back pain, de-stressing the nervous system and improving digestive functions. According to Ayurvedic tradition, twisting has a cooling effect on the body because as you twist you squeeze toxins and tensions out of the middle of the body.
Remember to practice correct alignment as you twist, taking into account the placement of not just the middle of the back but also your sit bones, sacrum, neck, head and shoulders. Always listen to your back never forcing your twisting postures. Visualize starting the twist from the lower back and into your belly and then gently and slowly moving up the spine until you finish looking in the direction of the twist, as if wringing a towel to remove water. Gently breath into your twists, allowing each inhale to expand and each exhale to relax or move you deeper into the pose. As you release the twist, focus on gently relaxing through the same sequence and try to notice if you have an enhanced feeling of freedom, clarity or inner well being.
Happy twisting! - Iris Campion